Enterprise Data Security

They must ensure that data security and privacy remain a priority to protect against costly breaches. The amount of information companies need to keep secure is increasing. As a result of technological advances, companies are constantly gaining more and more data about their customers.

What are the advantages?

Ensuring Accountability of Data Security – A company needs to ensure that its IT staff, workforce and management are aware of their responsibilities and what is expected of them.

  • Policies that govern network services.
  • Scanning for security vulnerabilities.
  • System data security policies.

End User Security

At the beginning of the 21st century, the importance of information and technology began to increase. Due to its deep ties to the Internet and related activities and to our daily life, it is essential to exercise due care on the end user's side when working on the Internet.

With Trend Micro security, which has the most comprehensive endpoint security, it provides the threat protection and data security necessary to protect your users and corporate information on every device and application.

Enhanced end-user security makes unknown damage known and prevents system damage that traditional antivirus cannot control.

Penetration Test

testing (or pen testing) is a security exercise in which a cybersecurity professional tries to find and exploit vulnerabilities in a computer system. The purpose of this simulated attack is to identify weak spots in the defense of a system that attackers can exploit.

What are the advantages
  • Security threats are detected.
  • Provides customer loyalty and company image protection.
  • It offers the opportunity to test your cyber defense ability.
  • It provides business continuity.

CCTV Solutions

Closed Circuit Video Recording and Security Systems

CCTV Solutions Although Close Circuit Television CCTV systems are generally positioned for security purposes, today, with the increase in IP-based systems and image processing capabilities, features such as People Counting, License Plate Recognition, Person Tracking, Area Protection and Fire Measurement makes them more important in ths era. CCTV solutions have earned a prominent place in business life. Combining these systems with fire alarm systems, emergency announcement systems, smart home and automation systems, a holistic security is aimed.

The basis of CCTV systems; It is the delivery of camera images broadcasting in a certain region to a limited number of monitoring screens.

In order to determine the closed circuit camera solution required for home or workplace security, first of all, a local discovery is made and the desired security criteria are established. According to the resulting report, the security system technologies are decided, the system is assembled on site, training is provided for the effective use of the system, and fast breakdown support and maintenance services are provided with our extensive service network.

Security cameras

Security camera systems; It is an ideal solution for a wide range of areas, from mothers who have to leave their children with a care-giver at home to operators who want to monitor special areas at work.

  • Quality night vision
  • High standard recording options
  • Notification options via e-mail or SMS
  • Cost effective solutions
  • Option to access images from anywhere
Camera Types
  • Dome Cameras

    Can be used as indoor and outdoor environments, they are generally preferred indoors due to their viewing angles and suitability for the space.

  • Box Cameras

    Are generally used indoors, they can be used outdoors together with the storage box.

  • Speed Dome Cameras

    Are generally used to monitor large areas in the outdoor environment, to provide high focus and to gain mobility.

  • Bullet Cameras

    On the other hand, are generally used outdoors and provide a clearer recording at night.

  • Cube Cameras

    Are preferred indoors with their integrated and decorative structure and features such as sound recording.